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Instructional Videos for the Knot Kneedle®

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TERMINAL TACKLE KNOTS (monofilament/fluorocarbon)

Clinch Knot

The most popular knot BY FAR! It is fast, easy and strong, so long as you are sure to lubricate before tightening. It is used to secure terminal tackle to monofilament or fluorocarbon lines. DO NOT USE THE CLINCH KNOT FOR BRAIDED LINE as it will slip out. The Knot Kneedle® ties very consistent clinch knots (10 seconds).

Clinch Knot on the Bend of the Hook

The most popular knot BY FAR! It is fast, easy and strong, so long as you are sure to lubricate before tightening. The Knot Kneedle® keeps tension on the bend of the hook so your line never comes off the bend when you are cinching the knot down. It works exactly like a third hand.  DO NOT USE THE CLINCH KNOT FOR BRAIDED LINE as it will slip out. The Knot Kneedle® ties very consistent clinch knots (10 seconds). 

Improved Clinch Knot

A lot of anglers swear by this knot. I don’t like it any better than the clinch knot, but that is personal preference. It is used to secure terminal tackle to monofilament or fluorocarbon line. The Knot Kneedle® definitely makes this easier to tie than with your fingers, but it does use a little more tippet (15 seconds).

Orvis Knot (smaller and stronger)

One of my personal favorites. It is very fast and easy to tie, once learned. This is one of the knots that started the idea for The Knot Kneedle®. With The Knot Kneedle® it can be tied in easily less than 10 seconds and it wastes very little tippet! This knot is very small and very strong. It is used to tie terminal tackle to monofilament or fluorocarbon line (10 seconds).

Pitzen Knot (16/20 Knot)

Uni Knot (ideal for dropper flies)

The uni knot is a great knot for dry/dropper rigs and the Rocky Mountain Nymph Rig (3-fly rigs) as it can be loosened and tightened on the bends of the hooks of the lead flies. If you initially picked the wrong dropper for the hatch, quickly change this one out by loosening the knot and throw on your next pre-tied dropper and start fishing! (15-20 seconds) 

Davy Knot

Small, strong, and fast knot for tying fluoro/mono to terminal tackle (10 seconds).

Trilene Knot

A terrific knot for tying mon/fluoro to terminal tackle. Sometimes referred to as a two-turn clinch knot (15 seconds).

Loop Knots

Non-Slip Loop

Also known as the Kreh Loop (after the legendary Lefty Kreh), it is a very strong knot used for giving your terminal tackle more freedom of movement as some anglers believe it gives you better “action” in the water. I prefer the perfection loop with a fly, but Lefty Kreh knew way more about fishing than I could ever dream of knowing! (45 seconds to a minute).  

Perfection Loop with a Fly (Very Strong)

You can tie a perfection loop with a fly/streamer to give the fly a little bit of free movement in the action. This is used to attach terminal flies to fluorocarbon, monofilament, or braided line. I much prefer this knot to the non-slip loop knot because it is just as strong, but significantly faster to tie than the non-slip loop (10-15 seconds).


San Diego Jam Knot

A great knot for braided line. It is easy to tie with the Knot Kneedle® (about 20-25 seconds).

Braid Knot

Also known as the Berkley Braid Knot, it is essentially a doubled-over clinch knot. The braid knot is a great knot for braided line to terminal tackle and it is very simple to tie with the Knot Kneedle® (15 seconds).

Bob Sands Knot (Modified Tony Penta)

The Bob Sands Knot with the Knot Kneedle®


LINE TO LINE KNOTS (monofilament/fluorocarbon)

Surgeons Knots

Technically this is a surgeons knot and a surgeons knot with 3 turns, however I find it easier to say double and triple. This is my go-to knot for tying tippet to leaders (I add an extra turn and call it a triple surgeons knot which is technically an incorrect term). It is used to secure different diameter line of fluorocarbon or monofilament. It is strong and easy to tie with the Knot Kneedle® (15 seconds). * you can leave an excess tag end to tie a dropper fly on it if you would like.

Nail Knot


This is a knot that is losing popularity as more and more leaders and fly line are coming with tied loops or welded loops on the end for loop-to-loop connections. However, the nail knot is a very strong, very smooth knot, that can be used to attach backing to fly line or leaders to fly line. You can also use the nail knot tool on the Knot Kneedle® to tie a Uni and/or double Uni knot (nail knot-20 seconds).*The Knot Kneedle® Lite cannot tie the nail knot! 

Perfection Loop

The perfection loop is a great knot when you want to put a strong loop in the end of your line. I use it for fly line that does not have welded loops or for leaders that do not have loops on the end. The Knot Kneedle® keeps the tag end from coming back out while tying. The perfection loop can also be used with braided line. The perfection loop keeps your loop perfectly in line with the line you are tying it on (10 seconds).

Double Uni Knot


Probably the most common knot for tying braid to mono/fluoro as it is good for lines of different OR similar diameters! It is also great for mon/fluoro to mono/fluoro lines! You can tie the double uni knot two different ways with the Knot Kneedle®: either by sewing your knot through the loops or using the nail knot tool under the cap (about 1 minute).

J Knot

A very strong knot for tying leaders to tippet. I prefer the “triple surgeons”, but that is because I personally find it much faster to tie and it is reliable. The Knot Kneedle® really helps “sew” your line through the loop in the J Knot so you can significantly cut down on your tying time (25 seconds). 

Orvis Tippet Knot


This is another great knot that has been proven time and time again. Being very similar to the J Knot and Surgeons knot you cannot go wrong tying any of them. (20 seconds). Practice the different knots and find the one that works for you!


Blood Knot (one Knot Kneedle®)


Also known as a barrel knot, it is one of the harder knots to tie, however the Knot Kneedle® makes this knot significantly easier than it used to be! It is strong and smooth and is used for attaching tippet to leaders, tippet to tippet, generally for lines with similar diameters (35-45 seconds). 

Blood Knot (2 KnotKneedles®)

Also known as a barrel knot, it is one of the harder knots to tie, however the Knot Kneedle® makes this knot significantly easier than it used to be! It is strong and smooth and is used for attaching tippet to leaders, tippet to tippet, generally for lines with similar diameters (35-45 seconds).


LINE TO LINE KNOTS (monofilament/fluorocarbon to Braided Line)

 Double Uni Knot

Probably the most common knot for tying braid to mono/fluoro as it is good for lines of different OR similar diameters! You can tie the double uni knot two different ways with the Knot Kneedle®: either by sewing your knot through the loops or using the nail knot tool under the cap (about 1 minute). 

Albright Knot


A great knot for connecting braid to mono/fluoro or backing to fly line on the reel for fly fishing. It can be used in a pinch if you have two mono/fluoro lines that are of significantly different diameters (20 seconds).  

FG Knot

This is an AWESOME knot, but it definitely takes time and the Knot Kneedle® makes it considerably easier to tie. It is used for attaching braid to mono/fluoro and is the smoothest and strongest knot. It takes a lot of practice to tie, but once you get the hang of it, you will love it (about 2 minutes).

Alberto Knot

This knot is used for braid to mono/fluoro and is essentially a modified Albright knot. It is named after Alberto Knie (25 seconds)

Yucatan Knot

Used for braid to mono/fluoro line connections it is a really easy simple knot to tie using the Knot Kneedle®. You can use 6-8 wraps but always test your knots for your type of angling (20 seconds).

Misc. Knots and Unique Uses

Dropper Loop Knot

This loop knot can be added to a single fishing line to tie on hooks, flies, bait, etc. It can also be added to a rig to add split shot so it doesn’t slide up and down the line when you are casting, but it will weaken your line a little (40 seconds).

Clinch Knot with 6x Tippet and size 24 fly

This video shows how useful the Knot Kneedle® is for tying very fine line to very small flies!

Clinch Knot with Gloves and 6x Tippet

When you fish in very cold environments and you cannot feel your fingers is is EXCEEDINGLY difficult to tie knots. This shows that loss of dexterity with gloves doesn't prohibit the Knot Kneedle® from doing its job!

Clinch Knot with Gloves

When you fish in very cold environments and you cannot feel your fingers is is EXCEEDINGLY difficult to tie knots. This shows that loss of dexterity with gloves doesn't prohibit the Knot Kneedle® from doing its job!

Hook Holder 

This demonstrates how useful the Knot Kneedle® is to hold a fly while you thread the eye of the hook and transition to tying your knot. It definitely helps keep your fat fingers (like mine!) from blocking the eye of the hook on small flies.